
This was my third massage with Rosie as my therapist. I’ve been to other massage establishments in the area and can say that I found a “home” at Massage 1. The check-in process is simple, and it’s nice how at the kiosk you can specify parts of the body you’d like for the therapist to give attention to, as well as the kind of pressure you’d like them to use. The front desk personnel are always pleasant and friendly. I’ve had wonderful experiences with therapists in other locations but Rosie is now tops for me. Her efficiency is top-notch and she works in a way that makes it seem like I’ve been her client for years. Her friendliness makes the massage all the more relaxing and enjoyable. To top it all off, the massage actually lasts for the whole duration of my appointment; if I have a 90 minute appointment it lasts for 90 minutes instead of 80. Massage 1 does not cut your appointment short like certain other massage locations tend to do. I highly recommend Rosie as well as Massage 1.